Insights from Slate’s 2022 Global Analyst Training Camp
Monday, August 15, 2022

Last month, as part of our onboarding curriculum for new Analysts, we gathered the members of our 2022 Analyst Class in Toronto to participate in a two-week long immersive training program.
16 new Analysts from our various global offices – including London, Oslo, Toronto and Chicago – came together to learn about Slate’s global platform, tour our various properties, and train in key skills that will be critical to their growth and development at Slate.
Our 2022 Analyst Class is part of Slate’s Analyst Rotation Program, which gives early career professionals the unique opportunity to participate in three distinct eight-month rotations across different areas of Slate’s business. The goal of the program is to give our young talent a well-rounded training experience and position them for long-term success at Slate. At the end of the program, the Analyst is placed on a team full-time and becomes eligible for a promotion to Associate. Final placements for our Rotation Program are determined based on our participants’ personal goals, professional skillset and the needs of the firm.
As a gateway to Slate’s Analyst Rotation Program, our two-week Analyst Training Camp provides a collaborative environment where new Analysts can forge valuable connections with each other and with Slate’s senior leadership team. These connections will enable our Analysts to work seamlessly across teams, disciplines, and regions to contribute to the success of our firm.
Throughout the first stage of training, Analysts learned the ins and outs of our business. They began with the basics, learning about our unique investment approach, our global investment platform, recent capital raising, transaction and platform highlights, and our global portfolio. Analysts completed comprehensive training modules focused on Excel, accounting, comparable analysis, financial modeling and Argus. The team closed out the week by learning about the multitude of positions at Slate—from legal and compliance to finance and reporting—to understand how each part of our firm works as a whole.
During the second week, our Analysts were ready to apply their knowledge in an exciting Case Competition. Analysts were broken up into four teams, and each team was assigned a portfolio of potential investments. The teams were tasked with conducting a full underwriting analysis of their given portfolio and pitching their idea for which property they believed to be the most valuable investment for Slate.
The teams used Argus to conduct cash flow monitoring, create consolidated models on Excel, and compiled their research into a presentation upon completion. Scoring was based on how well each team was able to convey their ideas, using the skills and concepts they learned throughout their two-week training, in both the model and the final presentation.

As our new Analysts began to scatter across the globe once again, we caught up with a few of them to recap their experience. Here’s what they had to say:
Emmet McCarthy, London Office
What part of training camp did you find most valuable and why?
“The Case Competition was really useful. It gave us the opportunity to utilize the new skills we had learned during training camp and apply them in a practical scenario. I appreciated how we were able to come together in Toronto for this experience to meet our fellow Analysts, and a good amount of the Slate team, in person. As Slate encourages cross-team collaboration, it was nice getting to know everyone we’ll be working alongside.”
Magnus Grape, Oslo Office
Was there a time over the past two weeks that was particularly challenging? Considering what you have learned so far at Slate, how did you get through it?
“The most challenging aspect of the Analyst Training Camp was completing the Case Competition. It required us to apply the full breadth of skills we had learned in the week prior, and we had to stay very organized in order to get everything done in the allotted time. Luckily, my team did a great job dividing the work, and everyone was willing to contribute extra in some of the more hectic moments to get our presentation across the finish line.”
Yasmin Hardan, Toronto Office
What did you take away over the past two weeks on how to be successful at Slate?
“The past two weeks have shown me that success at Slate can be achieved through hard work and curiosity. Slate fosters an environment where continuous learning and growth is not only encouraged but embedded in everything you do. We’re fortunate to have access to all the tools and support we need – the final piece relies on each individual’s drive and willingness to produce great work.”
Emilie Chen, Chicago Office
Over the past two weeks, what has stood out to you most about Slate culture, work environment, and leadership?
“The culture at Slate is really unique. Everyone is extremely willing to help you and truly wants you to succeed. Throughout the Case Competition, there was no hesitation from anyone to take a break from what they were doing and assist where they could, even if they had never met you before. Slate is comprised of genuinely kind people, which isn’t the case everywhere.”